Cool Otoprotective Ear Lumen (COOL) Therapy for Cisplatin-induced Hearing Loss

Cool Otoprotective Ear Lumen Therapy for Cisplatin-induced Hearing Loss

“What if listening to music with headphones that cool your ears can prevent hearing loss from chemo drugs?”

Hearing loss and tinnitus from chemotherapy treatments have been a widely accepted side-effect in the battle with cancer.

Drs. Crossland and Dokianakis are attending The American Academy of Audiology conference (online for 2021) and have been learning the latest in audiologic assessment, management, products and research.

A fascinating research topic: “Cool Otoprotective Ear Lumen (COOL) Therapy for Cisplatin-induced Hearing Loss.”

We can’t wait to see clinical applications of this to prevent hearing loss and tinnitus from chemotherapy. We’ll be posting highlights of what our doctors found most interesting from the conference.

Let us know if you have any specific questions on hearing loss, hearing aids, tinnitus or any other audiology topics.